E-PIN is like mobile recharge card. One goes to a shop and buys a ₨ 250 recharge card of a mobile. One finds a multiple digit pin or number and steps to enter that number. When it is done, mobile is recharged with a balance of Rs. 250. E-PIN works in almost the same way. More simply, E-PINs are combination of unique code and serial number assigned with a monetary value. Other physical form of E-pins are as Prepaid Vouchers, Prepaid Coupon and Scratch Cards.
Significance of E-Pin in MLM industry:
In MLM Industry, E-Pins are widely used. For Online Registration, New member signup, member renewal, online purchase, package upgradation etc.
Ventaforce has in-built E-pin generator. When the new member starts its registration process, site admin will generate an E-pin. It is the combination of mixed alphabets, numbers, special characters which is defined by admin. It is unique for each and every member. It is shared with them through integrated SMS Gateway or email. Thus each member is linked by its E-pin in the system from the entry level. As admin generates it, he also can suspend/cancel and set an expiry date to each E-pin. Admin can even generate reports based on each E-pin. It also facilitates transferring of funds to members who may be spread across the country or worldwide, depending on the scale of business.
In addition to the above use, E-pins provide Easy and Secure payment transaction. It can be used worldwide under Admin’s control. Hence it ensures very quick, safe, secure and centralised transactions for purchasing of products anywhere in the world.
Advantages of E-pin in brief:
Easy Transaction:
It is the best method for cashless transaction. Does not include any barriers as in conventional transaction by quick registration process, product purchase etc.
Secure Transaction:
It offers security along with ease, that what makes it versatile. E-pins are uniquely generated by encryption methods which are extremely difficult to guess or track down.
Complete MIS:
Reports can be generated on each and every E-pin and associated details through the system. Which makes the system maintenance and solving queries easier.
Extensive Scope:
E-pin system covers Paid membership, Credit membership and as well as free. Admin can generate respective pins depending on the type of membership. But it is not limited only to membership for the company. It is widely used for Online Shopping, Package upgradation, Repurchase etc.
Thus with changing technology, MLM business adapts to various changes in its operations. Use of E-pin is one of it and is the inclusive feature of Ventaforce!
Ventaforce provides complete solution for adapting to all the changes in line with ever evolving technology!
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