Every network marketing company needs software that brings efficiency to its multi-level marketing (MLM) operations. Initially, most companies go for the cheapest MLM software solutions or partner with any MLM software provider. Soon, they realize that their MLM software is neither improving their business-critical operations nor is it helping them stay ahead of their competitors.
When a network marketing company experiences the ineffectiveness of its existing MLM software, the entrepreneurs running the company begin to question – “Should I get a new MLM software?” But, they may not have a list of points that justify why they would want a new MLM software. Hence, they need to find some valid reasons before scouting through different MLM software providers.
Why Change Your MLM Software Provider?
There are dozens of MLM software in the market. So, there is no specific way of knowing which is the best MLM software solution for your network marketing company. But, you can still figure out the best replacement for your existing MLM software by analyzing it.
The first indicator for changing your MLM software provider would be the lack of efficiency rendered by the software in improving MLM operations. Your existing software may fail to streamline its computing processes while aligning them to your business operations.
The second indicator would be significant growth in the business of competitors due to the adoption of a particular MLM software. Naturally, most MLM companies perform extensive competitor analysis of their targeted markets.
The third indicator would be your plans on levelling up your network marketing company. If your network marketing business is booming, then it needs a technology upgrade as well. The company would not be able to continue growing its business with outdated MLM software.
So, these three indicators can lead you to realize why changing the MLM software provider for your network marketing company is necessary. This brings you to your first step, which is finding the right MLM software development company as a replacement to your existing software provider.
Switching To New MLM Software Service Provider: Top 5 Reasons
Finding the next MLM software provider has high stakes involved. Your company has to be careful in finding the best replacement. Instead, you’d end up selecting an MLM software provider which is even worse than your current one.
You can avoid this by comparing your existing MLM software provider and the new MLM software provider based on the following five factors:
1 Business Communications
Firstly, your existing MLM software could be falling significantly in business communications. It involves communications established among salespeople and between salespeople and customers. Within your own MLM company, you need an MLM software that simplifies business communications to an extent where there are no technical barriers, linguistic support issues, and instances of misinterpretations.
Your next MLM software provider must offer a tested and effective method of communicating. This also involves the role of the software development company in communicating with you as their client. The next MLM software provider should be easily accessible when needed. Through telecommunications or online connections, the service provider must communicate with you when things are done, and especially when some things are not done.
2 Relationship
The second reason would be providing a better relationship. You’d expect the new MLM software provider to build stronger relationships with your company, compared to the current software provider. It is but obvious that the existing MLM software development company failed to create a robust relationship with your enterprise. Hence, you were led to making a decision of switching the software provider.
Now, the next MLM software development company must consider the partnership with you as a pure “relationship” business. This means that the new MLM software developer should not hard-sell its products and push it aggressively down your technology funnels. Instead, it should resonate its work experience and industry expertise. The next MLM software provider should always have your back. It should be able to figure out what is good and what is not good for your MLM company. It should also find new software solutions that help your network marketing professionals empower their relations with customers, distributors, and product manufacturers.
3 Trust
There also needs to be a mutual trust between your company and the MLM software vendor. It is not supposed to be a commercial scenario where your company pays for the MLM software product, and post-delivery, the developer does not pay much heed to your requests.
Ideally, your next MLM software vendor must generate that trust where it is readily available to process your custom request even after the sales are completed. The MLM software vendor should be willing to do customizations for you. This involves modifying the software features and even changing the software architecture to meet your business requirements.
At the end of the day, your MLM company must set the expectation straight and the software vendor must duly adhere to meeting them. With some mutual management of business expectations, the trust between your company and the new MLM software provider would become stronger. The company would be able to rely on the software developer with respect to timely deliveries. The software vendor can set up a single point of contact to bridge trusted communications between them and your company, which becomes a great example of a good business relationship.
Also Read: What Features Will You Find in the World’s Best MLM Software?
4 Calculating Commissions
One of the biggest reasons why network marketing companies change their MLM software providers is inaccuracy in commission calculations. If an MLM software is unable to calculate commissions of the salespeople accurately, then there is no point in using that software. It is a waste of money, time and effort.
You must partner with an MLM software provider that guarantees absolute accuracy in calculating commissions and processing the payments. This will ensure that the salespeople working in your downlines are paid properly and timely. The software should also document these calculations and ensure that there are no discrepancies in the calculations and the MLM compensation plans. Your next MLM software provider should also support calculations of rewards and integrations of payment gateways for smoother payout processing.
5 Technology
Technology is evolving constantly. In the direct selling industry, every network marketing company needs to adopt the latest technologies and modernize their MLM operations. Hence, you’d expect that the MLM software provider gives you a solution developed with an advanced technology stack. If your existing software gets outdated, you must change it. You need a new MLM software that is built with advanced technologies such as AI, Big Data, and Blockchain. These technologies can not only improve the dynamics of your sales performance but also propel the security of your business data.
Ventaforce – Your Next MLM Software
Based on these five reasons, you’d be certainly satisfied by replacing your existing MLM software with Ventaforce. Developed by a top software developer company – Sankalp Computers & Systems – Ventaforce is the best MLM software solution for your network marketing companies.
Over the past decade, Ventaforce has effectively solved problems for nearly 100 network marketing companies around the world. As your next MLM software provider, Sankalp will continue to extend its reputation of building long-term and strong business relationships, establishing successful business communications, and creating a technology-driven and trustworthy environment for your network marketing company.